Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture

Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture  
Author(s) Michael A. Bellesiles
Country USA
Genre(s) History
Publisher Alfred A. Knopf
Publication date 2000
Pages 603
ISBN 0375402101
OCLC Number 00106191
Dewey Decimal 683.4/00973 21
LC Classification HV8059.B395 2000

Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2000) by Michael A. Bellesiles is the only book in the history of the prestigious Bancroft Prize to have had its award rescinded. The revocation occurred after Columbia University's Board of Trustees decided that Bellesiles had "violated basic norms of scholarship and the high standards expected of Bancroft Prize winners."[1]



The central theme of Arming America is that America's gun culture arose after the Civil War and that contrary to myth, it did not have its roots in America's colonial and frontier eras. The book holds that guns were uncommon during peacetime in America during the colonial, early national, and antebellum periods, when guns were little used and the average American's proficiency in use of firearms was poor. Bellesiles maintains that more widespread use and ownership of guns dates to the Civil War following advances in manufacturing and a consequent reduction in price and improvement in accuracy.


The book garnered many enthusiastic professional reviews and won the prestigious Bancroft Prize in 2001; but because the book's thesis bore upon ongoing political controversies about gun control and the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, gun rights advocates immediately attacked it. Actor Charlton Heston, then-president of the National Rifle Association, called the book's argument "ludicrous."[2] Conversely, a review by Roger Lane in The Journal of American History noted that with research that was “meticulous and thorough,” Bellesiles had "attacked the central myth behind the National Rifle Association's interpretation of the Second Amendment," and Lane declared Bellesiles’s evidence so formidable that “if the subject were open to rational argument,” the debate would be over.[3]

Clayton Cramer, a software engineer, gun enthusiast, and early critic of Bellesiles, later argued that the reason "why historians swallowed Arming America’s preposterous claims so readily is that it fit into their political worldview so well.... Arming America said things, and created a system of thought so comfortable for the vast majority of historians, that they didn’t even pause to consider the possibility that something wasn’t right." [4] Historian Peter Charles Hoffer, himself an advocate of gun control, lent support to Cramer’s charge when, in a 2004 examination of the Bellesiles case, he noted that influential members of the historical profession had indeed “taken strong public stands on violence in our society and its relation to gun control.” [5] For instance, the academics solicited for blurbs by Bellesiles’s publisher Alfred A. Knopf “were ecstatic in part because the book knocked the gun lobby.” [6]

Bellesiles energized this professional consensus by attempting to play “the professors against the NRA in a high-wire act of arrogant bravado.” [7] For instance, he replied to Heston’s criticism by telling the actor to earn a PhD before he criticized the work of scholars.[8] He pointed out that Cramer was “a long time advocate of unrestricted gun ownership” while he himself was a simple scholar who had “certain obligations of accuracy that transcend current political benefit.” [9] After Bellesiles claimed he had been flooded by hate mail, both the American Historical Association and the Organization of American Historians endorsed a resolution condemning the alleged harassment.[10] As Hoffer later wrote, Bellesiles was convinced that whether the entire profession agreed with “his stance on gun ownership (and I suspect most did), surely academic historians would not let their expertise be impugned by a rank and partisan amateur like Cramer.” [11]

In the end, however, the politics of the issue mattered less to historians "than the possibility that Bellesiles might have engaged in faulty, fraudulent, and unethical research."[12] As critics subjected the historical claims of the book to close scrutiny, they demonstrated that much of Bellesiles' research, particularly his handling of probate records, was inaccurate and possibly fraudulent.[13] This criticism included noting several serious errors in the tables published in The Journal of American History article, namely, that they did not provide a total number of cases and gave percentages that "were clearly wrong."[14]

In two scholarly articles,[15][16] law professor James Lindgren of Northwestern University noted that in Arming America, Bellesiles had

Critics also identified problems with Bellesiles's methods of citation. Cramer noted that Bellesiles had misrepresented a passage by George Washington about the quality of three poorly prepared militia units as if his criticism applied to the militia in general. (Washington had noted that the three units were exceptions to the rule.)[17] Cramer wrote, "It took me twelve hours of hunting before I found a citation that was completely correct. In the intervening two years, I have spent thousands of hours chasing down Bellesiles’s citations, and I have found many hundreds of shockingly gross falsifications."[18]

Emory investigation and resignation

As criticism grew and charges of scholarly misconduct were made, Emory University conducted an internal inquiry into Bellesiles's integrity, appointing an independent investigative committee composed of three leading academic historians from outside Emory.[19] Bellesiles failed to provide investigators with his research notes, claiming the notes were destroyed in a flood.[20]

The scholarly investigation confirmed that Bellesiles's work had serious flaws, calling into question both its quality and veracity. The external report on Bellesiles concluded that "every aspect of his work in the probate records is deeply flawed" and called his statements in self-defense "prolix, confusing, evasive, and occasionally contradictory." It concluded that "his scholarly integrity is seriously in question."[21]

Bellesiles disputed these findings, claiming to have followed all scholarly standards and to have corrected all errors of fact known to him. Nevertheless, with his "reputation in tatters," Bellesiles issued a statement on October 25, 2002, announcing the resignation of his professorship at Emory by year's end.[22]

Aftermath of the scandal

In 2002, the trustees of Columbia University rescinded Arming America's Bancroft Prize, the first such action in the history of the prize. Alfred A. Knopf, publisher of Arming America, did not renew Bellesiles's contract, and the National Endowment for the Humanities withdrew its name from a fellowship that the Newberry Library had granted Bellesiles.[23] In 2003, Arming America was republished in a revised and amended edition by Soft Skull Press. Bellesiles continued to defend the book's credibility and thesis, arguing that roughly three-quarters of the original book remained unchallenged.[24]

Historians who initially admired Arming America ceased to defend Bellesiles. The nationally prominent historian Garry Wills, who had enthusiastically reviewed Arming America for the New York Times,[25] later said, in a 2005 interview on C-SPAN, "I was took. The book is a fraud." Wills noted that Bellesiles "claimed to have consulted archives he didn't and he misrepresented those archives," although "he didn't have to do that," since "he had a lot of good, solid evidence." Wills added, "People get taken by very good con men."[26]

Historian Roger Lane, who had reviewed the book positively in the Journal of American History,[27] offered a similar opinion: "It is entirely clear to me that he's made up a lot of these records. He's betrayed us. He's betrayed the cause. It's 100 percent clear that the guy is a liar and a disgrace to my profession. He's breached that trust."[28] Historian Pauline Maier reflected that it seemed historians had "ceased to read carefully and critically, even in the awarding of book prizes."[29]

As Hoffer concluded, "Bellesiles's condemnation by Emory University, the trustees of the Bancroft Prizes, and Knopf provided the gun lobby with information to blast the entire history profession....Even though H-Law, the Omohundro Institute, the OAH, and the AHA rushed to his side and stated principled objections to the politicization of history, they hesitated to ask the equally important question of whether he had manipulated them and betrayed their trust."[30]


  1. ^ Statement of Columbia University Board of Trustees, December 13, 2002."
  2. ^ Charlton Heston, letter to The New York Times, October 1, 2000
  3. ^ Review of Arming America, The Journal of American History (Sept. 2001): 614.
  4. ^ Clayton E. Cramer, "What Clayton Cramer Saw and (Nearly) Everyone Else Missed," History News Network, January 6, 2003.
  5. ^ Hoffer, Peter Charles, Past Imperfect: Facts, Fictions, Fraud—American History from Bancroft and Parkman to Ambrose, Bellesiles, Ellis, and Goodwin (New York: PublicAffairs, 2004):158.
  6. ^ Hoffer, 161: “systematically dismantles one of our most cherished and dangerous national myths.”
  7. ^ Hoffer, 143.
  8. ^ Hoffer, 162.
  9. ^ Hoffer, 157-58. On February 16, 2000, Bellesiles had been a featured speaker at a symposium sponsored by the Brady Center to Prevent Handgun Violence. A link to the Brady Campaign Legal Action Project Second Amendment Symposium, February 16, 2000, was posted by the pro-gun control Potowmack Institute, among others; since then the Brady Campaign has deleted all references to Michael Bellesiles and their own Second Amendment Symposium from their website.
  10. ^ Hoffer, 159-60.
  11. ^ Hoffer, 158-59.
  12. ^ Robert C. Williams, The Historian's Toolbox: A Student's Guide to the Theory and Craft of History (Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2003), 117
  13. ^ History News Network
  14. ^ Hoffer, 148.
  15. ^ Lindgren, James; Heather, Justin Lee (2002). "Counting Guns in Early America" (abstract). William & Mary Law Review 43 (5): 1777. Retrieved 2008-03-11. 
  16. ^ Lindgren, James; Bellesiles, Michael A. (2002). "Fall from Grace: Arming America and the Bellesiles Scandal" (pdf). Yale Law Journal (The Yale Law Journal Company, Inc.) 111 (8): 2195. doi:10.2307/797645. JSTOR 797645. Retrieved 2010-03-08. 
  17. ^ Clayton E. Cramer, "Shots in the Dark: Bellesiles Arming America is novel in both senses", National Review, 23 Sep 2000, accessed 30 Mar 2010
  18. ^ Clayton E. Cramer, "What Clayton Cramer Saw and (Nearly) Everyone Else Missed", History News Network, 1-06-03, accessed 30 Mar 2010
  19. ^ Unlike the initial wave of criticism, made primarily by non-academics or non-historians, professional historians conducted this investigation. The three historians were Stanley Katz of Princeton, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich of Harvard, and Hanna Grey, emerita at the University of Chicago.
  20. ^ "Historian's Prizewinning Book on Guns is Embroiled in a Scandal", The New York Times, December 8, 2001. There was water damage to the building containing Bellesiles's office—as was reported in Emory University's daily paper—but critics disputed the plausibility of Bellesiles's claim that the problem explained his missing research records. The waterline break at Emory occurred in April 2000, after Arming America went to press. In the initial hardcover edition of the book, Bellesiles did not give the total number of probate records which he had investigated, but the following year, after the "flood," Bellesiles included in the paperback version the claim that he had investigated 11,170 probate records. "By his own account," writes Hoffer, "the flood had destroyed all but a few loose papers of his data. It was a mystery how supposedly lost original data could reappear to enable him to add the number of cases to the 2001 paperback edition, then disappear once again when the committee of inquiry sought the data from him" (Hoffer, 153). One critic tried, unsuccessfully, to destroy penciled notes on yellow pads by submerging them in his bathtub, in order to prove that water damage would not have destroyed Bellesile's notes; Jerome Sternstein, "'Pulped' Fiction: Michael Bellesiles and His Yellow Note Pads,", History News Network, May 20, 2002.
  21. ^ Stanley N. Katz, Hannah H. Gray, and Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, "Report of the Investigative Committee in the Matter of Professor Michael Bellesiles," July 10, 2002
  22. ^ Hoffer, 166. Emory accepted Bellesiles' resignation effective December 31, 2002.
  23. ^ Statement of NEH Chairman Bruce Cole on Newberry Library Fellowship Award (2002)
  24. ^ Michael Bellesiles, "Weighed in an Even Balance", Soft Skull Press (2003)
  25. ^ Garry Wills review in New York Times (Sept. 10, 2000)
  26. ^ Garry Wills Interview, BookTV, C-SPAN (Jan. 2, 2005)
  27. ^ Roger Lane, review of Arming America, Journal of American History (September 2001)
  28. ^ Quoted in article published at History News Network
  29. ^ quoted in Hoffer, 169-70.
  30. ^ Hoffer, 171.

Editions of the Book

Further reading